Transforming Lives Through Second Opportunities

Second Opportunity Approach

About Us

We are committed to reducing recidivism rates
for first-time non-violent offenders.

Project Pinnacle a non-profit organization that works to provide individuals with the support and resources they need to successfully reintegrate into society.

Our team is made up of passionate individuals who believe that everyone deserves a second chance. We understand that individuals who have made mistakes in their lives often face significant challenges when trying to rebuild their lives. That’s why we are dedicated to providing a holistic approach to rehabilitation, focusing not only on the individual but also on their families and communities.

Our program is centered around three core principles: education, employment, and community support. We believe that education and vocational training are essential in helping individuals develop the skills they need to succeed. We provide access to job placement services, and ongoing support to help individuals navigate the challenges of re-entering society.

Reducing recidivism rates is not only important for the individuals we serve, but it is also critical for building safer, more prosperous communities. We believe that by helping individuals succeed, we can positively impact the lives of those around them and create a ripple effect of positive change.

At Project Pinnacle, we are committed to making a difference. Join us in our mission to reduce recidivism rates and create a brighter future for those who deserve a second chance.

Program Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves

Program Participants
Recidivism Rate%
Success Rate %

Annual cost to Incarcerate one person: $50,000

Annual cost to enroll one Project Pinnacle participant: $15,000

Average cost savings: $35,000 per person annually

Benefit to the community: Educated and skilled young person entering the workforce and living in the community.

Recidivism response: Less than 1% of individuals have further engagement with the criminal justice system upon graduation.

Our program is centered around three core principles: education, employment, and community support. We believe that education and vocational training are essential in helping individuals develop the skills they need to succeed. We provide access to job placement services, and ongoing support to help individuals navigate the challenges of re-entering society.


Education is a key component of our program. We provide access to education and vocational training programs, which help individuals develop the skills they need to succeed in the workforce. We offer a range of educational opportunities, including GED programs, vocational training, and college courses.mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae.


Employment is a critical factor in reducing recidivism rates. Our job placement services help individuals find meaningful employment opportunities that match their skills and interests. We work closely with employers to identify job openings and help individuals prepare for job interviews and secure employment.quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.

Our program is designed to provide individuals with the support and resources they need to successfully reintegrate into society and build a positive future for themselves and their communities.

Get Involved.


The mission of Project Pinnacle is to realign the life trajectory of a young person charged with a non-violent crime for the first time. This is accomplished through career development, cognitive behavioral change, and life skills that will allow them to be the best version of themselves. We believe that using evidence-based concepts and helping participants to develop supportive resources will lead to participants becoming upstanding, productive, and contributing members of society.

Judge Asha Jackson

Judge Asha Jackson is the Founder and Presiding Judge of Project Pinnacle, a mandatory, one year in-court program for emerging adults ages 17 – 25 charged with a non-violent crime for the first time. Shortly after becoming a Superior Court Judge in 2012, Judge Jackson presided over an alarming number of cases where young people were facing significant prison time after being charged with committing non-violent offenses. For Judge Jackson, there was a strong desire to stop what could become a cycle of more “seasoned criminals” from coming before her by providing these young people with the skills, knowledge and training to combat recidivism. Her vision came to life with the creation of Project Pinnacle.

Project Pinnacle's



Regular skill building sessions on cognitive behavioral change, legal rights and responsibilities, emotional maturity, and professional development.


Evidence based curriculum.


Pro-social activities supporting behavior modification in a social environment.


Community service engagement.


Civic and Professional engagement.


One to one Mentorship.


Professional Exposure and Opportunities.